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New Website for Sports Nuts

Ever wanted to own a signed Pele shirt, Ali autographed boxing glove or a Welsh jersey sighed by the 2008 grand Slam winning team?

BWM Wins Its First Public Sector Website Design Contract

BWM wins contract for the design and development of a CMS website for Collaborative Communities.

B|W|M wins eCommerce contract with FedEx, UK Bristol

B|W|M has recently landed an eCommerce project with FedEx UK, Bristol.

Andrew Price Academy Site Launched

B|W|M is proud to launch its latest site for the Andrew Price Academy, a select hairdresser training academy in Carmarthen South Wales.

SEO results for Global Boarders are a success

B|W|M's recent work with Global boarders sees their site shoot up the rankings for keywords targeting their core business.

B|W|M's Exciting eLearning Project with Corus

eLearning is schools is due to take an exciting turn with the launch of an exciting new project that combines industry knowledge and leading edge eLearning development.


B|W|M Launches Edwina Hart's Welsh Labour Leadership Campaign Website

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B|W|M was delighted to win the project to deliver Edwin Hart’s Welsh Labour Leadership campaign website

As part of an integrated social media campaign and with very little time to produce the site, the job was a real challenge.

In addition to being bilingual, the website needed a professional, impactful design, and required to integrate Twitter feeds, YouTube content and a comprehensive Content Management System (CMS) to enable the campaign to make up to the minute publications.

The site went live at 12.01 on Friday afternoon. Reviews and feedback from politicians, the newspaper and TV media has been excellent and, while we weren’t working with Barack Obama’s budget or timescales, we’re pretty pleased with the results.

Onwards now with the final stages of the email marketing campaign.

Good luck Edwina.

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