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New Website for Sports Nuts

Ever wanted to own a signed Pele shirt, Ali autographed boxing glove or a Welsh jersey sighed by the 2008 grand Slam winning team?

BWM Wins Its First Public Sector Website Design Contract

BWM wins contract for the design and development of a CMS website for Collaborative Communities.

Website launched for Edwina Hart's Labour leadership campaign

B|W|M was delighted to win the project to deliver Edwin Hart’s Welsh Labour Leadership campaign website

SEO results for Global Boarders are a success

B|W|M's recent work with Global boarders sees their site shoot up the rankings for keywords targeting their core business...

Andrew Price Academy Site Launched

B|W|M is proud to launch its latest site for the Andrew Price Academy, a select hairdresser training academy in Carmarthen South Wales.

Sweet FA Business Networking in Swansea

B|W|M has been attending an excellent, free business networking event in Swansea.


Exciting eLearning Project

eLearning is schools is due to take an exciting turn with the launch of an exciting new project that combines industry knowledge and leading edge eLearning development.

Business Web Marketing is working with eLearning specialist, CDSM, and selected corporate partners in the development of practical eLearning content for New Diplomas in schools. Although the project has just been launched, Corus' Steel Can Recycling Information Bureau (SCRiB) has already signed up to produce Science resources that will be made available to every school in the UK.

"With large organisations like Corus providing their industry expertise we can produce curriculum resources that have a practical, real world focus. It means that students will be better placed to understand the requirements of industry and that their prospective employers can communicate the skills and qualifications that they need to see in their future workforce.

With the launch of the New Diplomas, the huge increase in the application of technology in our schools and the seemingly ever increasing gap between workforce skills and employers needs, the timing of this project couldn't be better" Mark Ronconi, Managing Director of Business Web Marketing.

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