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Case Studies

Andrew Price Academy

Andrew Price

This video was designed to provide the the Andrew Price Hairdressing Academy with a strong promotional tool aimed at attracting new trainees to the Academy. As well as being included on the Andrew Price Academy site the video is also available via You Tube to provide a far greater market coverage.

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Video Promotions

Online Video Promotions are an excellent way to get your message across and enhance the effectiveness of your web design.

Not only can your video be published on your website and CD ROM, we can upload it to YouTube, Google Video and other sites to give your message even greater reach.

The types of video we can produce for you include:

  • Company Product and Service Promotions
  • Client Testimonials
  • Training Videos for customers and employees

We can shoot the videos at your premises, at other locations or, for even greater flexibility we can use a Green Screen to to create your video in a wide range of settings.

Andrew Price Academy - Video Promo by B|W|M

Aims - Aimed at attracting students to the Andrew Price Academy, and produced specifically for the web, this video was designed to appeal to candidates predominantly in their late teens.

Objectives - Filmed at the Academy, it was important to communicate the quality of the training, the facilities, vibrancy and supportive culture of the Academy as a way to differentiate from college training.

Approach - In order to provide a true insight to the Academy, the students were unscripted an unrehearsed. Carefully designed questions were presented to the students in their normal training environment to produce a natural feel and honest testimonials.

The music and relaxed filiming style were carefully selected to reflect the natural vibrancy of the Academy.